Starting Friday, October 5, and continuing the first Friday
of every month, Gear will be hosting free, confidential, rapid HIV testing conducted
by Desert AIDS Project from 2-5 pm.
Because we think it’s essential for everyone to know their
HIV status.
Knowing your status helps you make smarter decisions about
your life and play. For positive guys, it’s the first step to getting the
treatment that you need to live a long and healthy life. It also helps you
avoid passing the virus to anyone else. In fact, nowadays it’s almost impossible
for poz guys who take their meds to spread HIV. That’s pretty amazing.
Why at Gear?
Because we believe in supporting men who play hard.
We know that it’s not always easy to be open about your kinks
in a traditional medical setting. So we’ve put our own spin on HIV testing. First,
we’ve brought it to a place where you already know that nothing is taboo. More
importantly, we’ve made sure that the guys who are administering the tests are
real players, just like you.
How does it work?
Just drop in and let one of our staffers know that you’re here
to get a test. They’ll take you to the office, where a DAP volunteer will swab your
cheek with a special test stick. It takes about twenty minutes for the swab to its
job, so hang out and enjoy the store for a bit. When the results are in, you’ll
be called back into the office to get your info.
It’s free. It’s painless. And it’s confidential.
To celebrate our October kickoff, we’ll have a special gift—courtesy
of Elbow Grease—for everybody who drops in for testing.
Play Hard! And know your status!
For more information about HIV testing, Call DAP at